House Renovation

Duurzame en originele cadeaus van AVOID voor onder de Kerstboom

Marniek Breurkens 0 reactions

Het is weer die magische tijd van het jaar! Bij Avoid vind je niet alleen praktische producten, maar ook duurzame en originele kerstcadeaus die perfect zijn om onder de kerstboom te leggen. Of het nu gaat om een handig product waar je partner al een tijdje naar uitkijkt, of iets bijzonders voor vrienden en...

Energie besparen deze Winter met Radiatorfolie, Radiatorventilatoren, Tochtstrips en Aluminium Tape

Camiel Verschuren 0 reactions

Het wordt kouder en de verwarming staat weer aan. Dit is hét moment om met kleine aanpassingen energie te besparen en je huis comfortabeler te maken. Met eenvoudige producten zoals radiatorfolie, radiatorventilatoren en tochtstrips van AVOID kun je de warmte beter vasthouden en je energierekening verlagen. 1. Radiatorfolie: Houd warmte binnen Radiatorfolie is een...

6 Reasons Why Tarpaulins are Indispensable in Every Household

Brandy Fontijn 0 reactions

Tarpauls are the silent force behind construction projects, protective, flexible and durable. Invest in high-quality tarpaulins from AVOID today for efficient, safe and cost-effective construction practices. Discover our range and see how tarpaulins take your projects to new heights!

Protect Your Floor During Parties with Plaster Runner and Covering Fleece

Anass Aabich 0 reactions

Hosting a party at home can be a great experience, but it can also raise concerns about protecting your floors. At AVOID we have the perfect solution to protect your floors against spills, scratches and other accidents: plaster runner and covering fleece. Let's see how these products can protect your floors and make your...

The right floor protection for every project

Anass Aabich 0 reactions

At AVOID we understand that every construction or renovation project is unique and has specific requirements for floor protection. Whether it concerns painting, moving, renovating or protecting your floor against heavy loads, we have the perfect solution for you. Let's take a look at our range of Perfect Cover floor protection products and discover...

Temporary Floor Protection: Your Guide to Protecting Floors During Construction Projects

Anass Aabich 0 reactions

When you have a construction project, you want the floor of the building to remain beautiful and not to be damaged. But unfortunately, the floor is often one of the most vulnerable parts during a construction project. Fortunately, there is a solution: temporary floor protection. In this article we will explain what temporary floor...

Tarpaulins: Your Ultimate Guide to Protection and Durability

Anass Aabich 0 reactions

A tarpaulin is a protective material used to protect vehicles and other belongings from rain, snow, wind and sunlight. Tarps are made of durable materials that can withstand the elements and come in different sizes and styles to meet different needs. There are several types of tarpaulins available, including PVC tarpaulins, PE tarpaulins and...